Mistrzostwa Europy w grze na flipperach 2024

20-22 września 2024
Warszawa ul. Kolejowa 8a
2 miejsce
3 miejsce
2 miejsce
3 miejsce
2 miejsce
3 miejsce
2 miejsce
3 miejsce
Turniej MAIN
Escher Lefkoff Stany Zjednoczone
Arvid Flygare Szwecja
Viggo Löwgren Szwecja
Turniej 70's/80's
Viggo Löwgren Szwecja
Mads Kristensen Dania
Jiro Suvanto Finlandia
Daan Rosvelds Belgia
Topi Ahonen Finlandia
Daniel Nowak Polska
Turniej drużynowy
UK i Francja (ex aequo)
Lista flipperów:
[LCD] Avatar (Jersey Jack)
[LCD] Dialed In! (Jersey Jack)
[LCD] Avengers: Infinity Quest (Pro)
[LCD] Batman 66 (Premium)
[LCD] Big Lebowski (Dutch Pinball)
[LCD] Cactus Canyon Remake (Chicago Gaming Comp.)
[LCD] Deadpool (Pro)
[LCD] Dialed In! (Jersey Jack)
[LCD] Elton John (Jersey Jack)
[LCD] Foo Fighters (Pro)
[LCD] Funhouse Limited (Pedretti Gaming)
[LCD] Galactic Tank Force
[LCD] Godzilla (Pro)
[LCD] Guardians of Galaxy (Pro)
[LCD] Iron Maiden (Premium)
[LCD] Jaws (Pro)
[LCD] Jurassic Park (Pro)
[LCD] Labyrinth (Barrels of Fun)
[LCD] Mandalorian (Pro)
[LCD] Scooby Doo (Spooky Pinball)
[LCD] Star Wars (Pro)
[LCD] Stranger Things (Pro)
[LCD] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Pro)
[LED] Pulp Fiction (Chicago Gaming Company)
[DMD] Addams Family
[DMD] Creature From the Black Lagoon
[DMD] Demolition Man
[DMD] Dr Who
[DMD] Fish Tales
[DMD] Game of Thrones (Premium)
[DMD] Ghostbusters (Pro)
[DMD] Junk Yard
[DMD] Lethal Weapon 3
[DMD] Lord of the Rings
[DMD] Metallica (Pro)
[DMD] NBA Fastbreak
[DMD] Red & Ted's Road Show
[DMD] Terminator 2
[DMD] The Avengers (Pro)
[DMD] The Getaway: High Speed II
[DMD] WrestleMania
[SS] Barracora
[SS] Buck Rogers
[SS] Close Encounters
[SS] Cyclone
[SS] Devil's Dare
[SS] Dolly Parton
[SS] Fathom
[SS] Flash Gordon
[SS] Future Spa
[SS] Harlem Globetrotters On Tour
[SS] Hot Tip
[SS] Jungle Lord
[SS] Mata Hari
[SS] Paragon
[SS] Pinball Champ
[SS] Pinbot
[SS] Road Kings
[SS] Silverball Mania
[SS] Sinbad
[SS] Solar Ride
[SS] Spirit
[SS] Star Trek
[SS] The Amazing Spider-Man